
At its core, FACTORFIVE humanizes skincare. Backed by years of scientific research, our award-winning skincare company seeks to redefine how we, as a society, look at aging. Powered by ethically derived human stem cells, our skincare works harmoniously with your own skin to replenish growth factors that naturally deplete as we age.

FACTORFIVE scientists work with the most active producers of growth factors in the human body, adult stem cells (ASCs). Through our process of growing and working with ASCs, we put them in an environment which gets them "speaking" by sending out a tremendous amount of growth factor signaling. We then collect those powerful growth factor signals and include them as the main active ingredient in all our products so that when you apply FACTORFIVE to your skin, it replenishes your diminished supply and enables your cells to "listen" and restart those important skin health processes. This represents a 100% natural and biological way for your skin to return to vibrant health.


At its core, FACTORFIVE humanizes skincare. Backed by years of scientific research, their award-winning skincare company seeks to redefine how we, as a society, look at aging. Powered by ethically derived human stem cells, FactorFive works harmoniously with your own skin to replenish growth factors that naturally deplete as we age.

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